
The Baghe- Negar residential house won the first rank of the 26th WA award in 2017.

The Baghe- Negar (Negar Garden) residential house won the first rank of the 26th world architecture awards in 2017.https://worldarchitecture.org/profiles/pgmne/pegahrezaiee-profile-page.html

با اعلام رسمی و دعوت از مهندس پگاه رضایی، شرکت پی اند بی رسما به عنوان یکی از نامزدهای نهایی مسابقه طراحی دهکده تکنولوژی آینده هند در سال 2047 معرفی گردید

شرکت پی اند بی در ماه می سال 2019 با دعوت رسمی موسسه تکنولوژی هند به مسابقه محدود طراحی دهکده تکنولوژی آینده در سال 2047 در […]

Pegana City, The Most Adventuresome Design of Future City of P & B Team


The Baghe- Negar Residential House Won the First Rank of The 26th WA Award in 2017.

The Baghe- Negar (Negar Garden) residential house won the first rank of the 26th world architecture awards in 2017.

P&B was selected as one of the final candidates for India next village 2047 competition.

The contest’s secretary, Sajjan Vijian, sent an email on October 7, 2019 to Engineer Pegah Rezai to attend the awards ceremony. The PB Company was invited […]
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